Cold you Imagine?

Geocache Blog

“Cold you Imagine” focuses on introducing the idea of improving biodiversity. It allows the children to explore and discover the environment of Airthrey Loch through the viewpoint of biodiversity. To reach a place-essential learning experience, the intentions were to utilise the area for identification and discussion towards sustainability of biodiversity specific to this loch, as well as discussing a wider perspective for the need for biodiversity. This geocache promotes developing a positive environmental ethos towards Global Goals 13 (climate action), 14 (life below water) and 15 (life on land).



Activity One

This geocache* began by engaging the pupils in a discussion about what species they could see on and around the loch and surrounding environment. By allowing the pupils to identify that there were a variety of species and plant life visible, we scaffolded their discussions toward discovering the scientific term of “bio-diversity” from their prior knowledge, observations and discussions at the loch about what they could see.





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Activity Two

To demonstrate the effects of human impacts around the loch and surrounding environment, cards with an array of positive, neutral and negative impacts were sorted by the pupils onto a clothes-line scale. Negative effects on the environment, such as “littering” or “too much algae on the loch” were placed towards the larger tree. Towards the narrower tree the positive impacts were placed, such as “leaf litter” or “many different species visible”. The trees where this was tied were used as a visual representation of the scale, one was a wide tree and the other was a thin and narrow tree. This activity was pupil-led with support from the teacher to discuss the pupils’ justifications and reasoning for their choices. The images on the cards were images of the loch area where the pupils were completing the geocache and pupils were engaged in a discussion about which of the factors they could see at the loch that day, linking the activity directly to the environment where it took place.




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Activity Three

Following on from the first two activities, the pupils were encouraged to think and discuss with their peers about the possible actions that can be taken to promote positive attitudes/influences about biodiversity. This began with the area around the loch, then widened to other locations where the pupils visit (i.e. their school, local park, house). This discussion is vital to the development of sustainability as a learning intention, as this shows the pupil understanding of the responsibilities and actions that can be taken to improve the quality of the environment.



Curriculum Links: Experiences and Outcomes

I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally-responsible way.              SOC 2-08a

I can sample and identify living things from different habitats to compare their biodiversity and can suggest reasons for their distribution.                        SCN 3-01a

Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community.                           HWB 0/1/2/3/4-13a


*This geocache was temporarily way-marked and therefore not available on


3rd Yr University of Stirling Students – Primary Education – Environment Specialism

Kirstie-Ann Hurrell

Mhairi Donald

Kara Connelly

Natasha Miller